Custom, professional, personalized items for business, home, and more!
We produce:
* High-quality, professional, personalized laser cut, 3D printed, and engraved products in wood, metal, and acrylic
* Custom high-tech business cards and fandom prop ID Cards and badges
- all to your specifications.
If you are an FCC licensed Amateur Radio Operator, you might want to keep your license with you whenever you operate. The problem? That paper copy you print and cut out won't last 10 years. That's why we are offering to print your license in durable plastic card form, and are offering it at a low, low price as a service to the Amateur Radio community. The boss is a ham, and he wanted one for himself - and figured you might want one too. Just provide your callsign and we'll do the rest. Want a tappable card that links to your QRZ page, personal web page, or elsewhere? Can do!